Importance of Omega 3 (FD02092020-5)

The Importance of Omega 3
- protect nerve from injury and help nerve to recover.
- important for brain  (EPA -support heart, immune system and for imflammation and DHA - for brain , eye and central nervous system).

Function Of Omega 3
- promote fluidity and flexible joints
- repair nervous system.

Sign of Deficiency :
dry , bumpy , flaky skin

Sign of Over Nutrients:

Daily recommended intake:
1.6 g for  male adult
1.1 g for female adult

Vegan food sources:
- chia seed - 1 ounce = 5g of ALA
- flax seed - 1 tablespoon = 2.35g
- canola oil - 1 tablespoon = 1.28g
- walnut - 7 walnuts (1 ounce) = 2542 mg
- Soybean - 100gram = 1443 mg (soybean also contain high omega 6 which are not so recommended)

- supplements - check for vegan certified supplements for peace of mind.

Other noteworthy points:
ALA can be convert into EPA and DHA.
- adequate B3, B6 , Magnesium and Zinc can convert ALA into EPA and DHA.


Author note: This post information are based on what the author know and read so far. Therefore reader are encourage to do their own fact finding and checking from trusted source of information.

1 cup = 8 ounces
2 tablespoon = 30 gram
100 gram = about 7 tablespoon
1 ounce = 2 tablespoon

*reader are advise to check the latest information of the nutrients quantity in the food from time to time. This is due to the buddhist teaching belief that the nutrients in food will decrease overtime as there are too many evil deeds (wrong doing, evil deeds according to buddha teaching) are commited by human in this earth.


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