
Aloe Vera

Aloe vera , widely available in all places as it is easily to be planted in mildly weather has lots of benefits  and even widely used by egyptians 6000 years ago to the point people think that aloe vera is the secret beauty of Cleopatra. Though it is widely use for external and internal use, my own readings suggest that internal usage may not be good for health . there are products which aloe vera uses it for food, food supplements, herbal and cosmetics. Health benefits: - has high vitamins and minerals such as A, C, E, folic acid, choline, b1, b2, b3(niacin), b1 and b12. - high in amino acids and fatty acids. - help reduce symptom of allergies and acid digestion. - stimulate defense and adaptive mechanism of body. - help with digestion. - help rid of intestinal worms. - help in detoxification by absorbing toxin and eliminated through the colon. - help to alkalive body. - help multiply the oxygen transportation , help lower risk of heart disease. - boost immune system. ...

Can An Evil Eye Bracelet Protect Your Children?

This is one question that seem to be popping up in my traffik sources information (however since the blogger only show a portion of the entire question , i assume this is the question that the person is asking). So i'll be clarifying this according to what i had personally experience and research so far. Whether the evil eye bracelet effectiveness depend on its symbol and the type of stone the evil eye use. To start with i'll be assuming this evil eye bracelet is the popular type which are actually has the symbolic of 2 ring colours which is the black colour ring follow by a blue ring on the outer. The answer is indeed this symbolic ring should draw evil eye which cast by others and then return it to sender at a later time. in fact i do believe even the colour of the symbol had already done a portion of protecting from evil eye. but thats all to it. Secondly , the evil eye bracelet depend on the types of stone it used. in other word, the effectiveness of evil eye protecting...


Lemon is a well known fruit for drinks and consider as powerhouse flavoring to food. ancient egyptions believe lemon help protect against variety of poisons. Health Benefit : - keep skin clear by purge toxic in body. - promote wound healing. - reduce fever, balance ph, boost immune system, relieve tooth pain, for weight loss. - decrease wrinkles and blemish, flush unwanted material, cure throat infection, relieves respiratory problem. - clear out parasite and destroy intestinal worms. - anti oxidant and anti cancer properties (has 22 anti cancer compound.) - help with bad breath. - if massage lemon juice on bleeding gum, it will help stop bleeding. - popular remedy for pimples(acne) and black heads (apply the lemon juice on it) - treat scuvy (lemon has vitamin c) - anti bacterial properties which destroy malaria bacteria, cholera , diphtheria, typhoid and other deadly disease. - strengthened blood vessels. - improve eye disorder (probably due to lemon ability to clear ...

Bergamot Orange

Bergamot oil or Bergamot orange is a fragrant juice at the size of an orange and yellow colour that similar to the colour of lemon. However bergamot orange is not for juice consumption purpose. Bergamot orange is use for a variety of purpose such as perfume, cream lotion, soaps ,suntan oils , toiletry andother type of industries for fragrance . Health benefits : - can treat psoriasis by applying bergamot oil. - have been use for skin for tumor cause by some fungal infection (mycosis ) and pigment loss (vitiligo). - protect body against lice and other parasites. - use as antiseptic for acne, oily skin conditions , eczema and psoriosis. - use for cold sores, chicken pox and wound. - help to protect celss from oxidation and free radicals. - help lower blood glucose. - help lessen coronary disease possibility. - can use for mouth wash for treat oral bacteria and eliminate bad breath. Spiritual Benefits : - use as aromatheraphy to reduce anxiety, stress, tension, fear and hy...

Tea Tree Oil

The First Thing one should know about Tea Tree Oil. Tea Tree oil is oil distill from tree "Melaleuca alternifolia" and thus one shouldn't mistaken it as the common tea to be drink . in fact tea tree oil is contain toxic by itself and one should never even swallow it . Tea Tree Oil is very popular that it is being use for a lot of product such as cream, ointments, lotions, soaps and shampoos, cosmetics, household cleaning product, deodorant, first aid kits. Tea Tree oil usualy sold in dark grass bottle to prenet lightning from affecting its potency. Health Benefits: - is natural anti bacterial plant. - treat skincut infections and inflammation. - effective against bacteria, fungi and viruses and stimulate immune system. - anti fungal treading athlete foot, eczema , various yeast infections. - antiseptic that use on clot and burner. - antiviral , may lessen symptoms of cold and flu. - help with lice problem (as for scalp problem)  - use to deal with persistent od...

Chamomile Plant

Chamomile come from a flowerly plant from daisy. Its a plant use by ancient egyptians as it is believe to heal a lot of ailments. Chamomile is available for drinks, bath and lotion oil. Healing Benefits : - cure a number of health problems. - treat insomnia and other sleep disorders , anxiety and panic attacks. - treat muscle twitches ,  wound, burns and scrapes. - help with situation of skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema , chickenpox and diaper rash. - help with stomach problems, menstrual cramps, stomach and ulcers. - also believe to help relieve excessive gas and bloating in the intestines. - cure for migraines. - treat pms and menstrual cramps. - believe to even lightening one skin. - help reduce dark circle around eyes. - treat irration from chest colds, slow healing wounds, abscesses, gum , immflammation and skin condition, psoriasis , eczema, chickenpox and also diaper. - german chamomile is even believe to help with detoxification which is good for live...

Rosewood (aromatheraphy oil)

Rosewood that i mention here is an evergreen tree native known as aniba rosaedora. Aparrently it is different from the rosewood which one use for making cupboard , chess and so on. The rosewood has very pleasant and sweet floral aroma of medium strength with woody note. which is why it is frequently use for deodarant formulations. Healing : - good for skin as it eliminate stretch marks from your thighs and belly. - help to regenerate skin tissue therefore popular for maintain healthy beautiful skin. - remove wrinkles and make one look younger (popular with skin and beauty care product) - help remove pain. - stimulate productive organs and enhance lost vigor and vitality. - possible of fading scars , clear excessive oils from the surface of the skin and mnimize acne. - reduce headache, cold, cough, fever and infection. boost immune system. - also helping with respiratory system. - use for antibactierial, antifungal and anti microbact. - also helpful with menopause symptoms...


Sandalwood is a parasite tree which is now currently becoming an endanger species tree due to its very beneficial properties and variety purpose usage . Although sandalwood are protected by states, due to its nature, not all the climate are suitable for cultivating sandalwood tree and thus demand more than supply causing sandalwood are more expensive and declining. Before a sandalwood can be used , the sandalwood tree will need to reach the age of minimum 20 years old or 30 years old (although it is believe the good one should be around 80 years old maturity) . Then it is being cut and leave to white ants to eat. The uneaten part of the sandalwood tree is where has the beneficial properties and use for variety purpose such as skin care product, aromatheraphy oil, perfume, religion rituals, medicine and even furniture as no termites (white ant) will eat it. Religion point of view: - termite newver attack sandalwood. - symbol of vitality - sandalwood fragrance are believe to help ...

Dealing with depression

Below are some of the suggestions which may help you with your depression : 1. wear yellow or black cloth. 2. go for a walk in nature. 3. crystals such as citrine or amethyst. 4. Aromatheraphy oil. 5. smile whenever  you greet someone :) 6. laugh. 7. do interesting good hobby or positive hobby. 8. volunteer for community service   - If you help others with sincere motivation and sincere concern, that will bring you more fortune, more friends, more smiles, and more success. If you forget about others' rights and neglect others' welfare, ultimately you will be very lonely. –His Holiness the Dalai Lama = quoted from fpmt = 9. mantras     - tsongkhapa mantra , medicine buddha and vajrapani mantras are helpful for depression. 10. meditation or yoga class.   - join meditation or yoga class . 11. drinks such as lemonade drinks. 12. watch cheerful and happy ending movie ;) 13. read inspiration/motivation stories . 

Benefits and disadvantage of Green Tea

If you ever drink tea before, you probably heard about green tea and that it has its health benefits just like some of the tea in this world. So i thought of introducing green tea as i have wanted to write about it back then . So what exactly Green tea benefits has? From what i read , i found out that there are quite many positive result about health benefits coming from drinking as if it is too good to be true. Some of it included such as it helps to reduce risk of cancer, prevent heart disease and stroke, speed up recovery of heart cells , fight aging and promotes longevity. It is even beneficial for those who actually want to do some weight lost and reduce acnes!!  It also help to fight obesity, increase immunity which help with situation related to cold or flu , asthma , prevent aids from forming , hydration benefits and the lists goes on. However, like most beverage, if overtaken do pose some risk such as restlessness, irritability , sleeping problems , tremor and so on. ...