Tea Tree Oil

The First Thing one should know about Tea Tree Oil. Tea Tree oil is oil distill from tree "Melaleuca alternifolia" and thus one shouldn't mistaken it as the common tea to be drink . in fact tea tree oil is contain toxic by itself and one should never even swallow it . Tea Tree Oil is very popular that it is being use for a lot of product such as cream, ointments, lotions, soaps and shampoos, cosmetics, household cleaning product, deodorant, first aid kits. Tea Tree oil usualy sold in dark grass bottle to prenet lightning from affecting its potency.

Health Benefits:
- is natural anti bacterial plant.
- treat skincut infections and inflammation.
- effective against bacteria, fungi and viruses and stimulate immune system.
- anti fungal treading athlete foot, eczema , various yeast infections.
- antiseptic that use on clot and burner.
- antiviral , may lessen symptoms of cold and flu.
- help with lice problem (as for scalp problem) 
- use to deal with persistent odours.
- treat sinus indection, dandruff and dry scalp.
- also use for aromatheraphy which is to treat colds, persistent coughs, acne , toothaches and subburn.
- treat cuts, minor burns, athlete food, insect bites.
- believe to restore and regenerate.
- treat ring worm.
- treat flea bites (include mosquito bites)

Other usage:
- as a general cleaner product. combine 2 teaspoon tree oil in 2 cup of water in a spray bottle.

Author Note:
- may produce allergic reaction.
- not to be use for pregnant or breastfeeding.
- not to be use frequently as there are report of changing hormone (in which the studies of 3 boys said to have grow bigger breast so female may also end up changing hormone)
- not to be apply for pets even for treating wound (especially cats) as there are reports that the cats die due to toxic even though it is just for treating external wound.  first symptom are hypothemia (drop of temperature)
- not to be taken in mouth as it can impair immune function, diarrhea and potentially fatal to central nervous system (excessive drowsiness, sleepiness, confusion)
- side effect may start appearing 2 to 8 hours later. may cause one to have acute poisoning, depression, weakness, ataxia, lack of concentration, behavior disorder and muscles treats. included are vomit, diziness, clumsiness, lack of apetite and energy.
- keep children out of reach.
- may worsen skin condition like eczema
* i personally not sure whether tea tree oil is really good to be use for any purpose considering the toxic can kill a kitten just by treating the wound. though there are also claims that tea tree oil can remove certain health problem which other method are far more dangerous.



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