Bergamot Orange

Bergamot oil or Bergamot orange is a fragrant juice at the size of an orange and yellow colour that similar to the colour of lemon. However bergamot orange is not for juice consumption purpose. Bergamot orange is use for a variety of purpose such as perfume, cream lotion, soaps ,suntan oils , toiletry andother type of industries for fragrance .

Health benefits :
- can treat psoriasis by applying bergamot oil.
- have been use for skin for tumor cause by some fungal infection (mycosis ) and pigment loss (vitiligo).
- protect body against lice and other parasites.
- use as antiseptic for acne, oily skin conditions , eczema and psoriosis.
- use for cold sores, chicken pox and wound.

- help to protect celss from oxidation and free radicals.
- help lower blood glucose.
- help lessen coronary disease possibility.
- can use for mouth wash for treat oral bacteria and eliminate bad breath.

Spiritual Benefits :
- use as aromatheraphy to reduce anxiety, stress, tension, fear and hysteria.
- good for seasonal affected disorder , depression, lacking in self-confidence, feeling shy, insomnia .
- relax the need to be total control.
- believe to open the heart chakra.

Other benefits:
-  use for citrus flavoring agent esp in gelatins and pudding.
- also normally use for earl grey tea as flavoring (for drinking sparringly only)
 - use for cleaning ears or helping with infection dogs.
 - use for cooking such as flavoring halva.
 - bergamot tea can be use for sore throats, coughs, nauseas andmenstrual cramps.

Author note:
- can cause muscle cramp and paralsyis if taken too much.
- can cause vomit and diarrhea.
- not recommended for applying on skin due to photosensitive. in other word, it cause skin sensitive to sun and make one vulnerable to skin cancer.
- generally consider safe for food consumption in small amount and sparringly.
- bergamot oil if apply on skin may develop blister, scabs, pigment spot, rashes, sensitivity to skin and cancerous warning. dangerous when exposed to ultraviolet light.
- not for children under 5 years old (may cause convulsion and death if the amount dosage is a lot), pregnant women (antispasmodic properties) and also breastfeeding. as it can cause convulsion and death.
- amount of dosage usage in aromatheraphy isn't relevant as the concern lies in the amount of internally taking.
- not for people with epilepsy or seizure disorder to be taken internally.


  1. Thanks for posting this helpful blog. This is very informative. What are citrus bergamot benefits? Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels, support balanced blood sugar and triglyceride levels. Add our organic quality citrus bergamot your cart now!


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