
Lemon is a well known fruit for drinks and consider as powerhouse flavoring to food. ancient egyptions believe lemon help protect against variety of poisons.

Health Benefit :
- keep skin clear by purge toxic in body.
- promote wound healing.
- reduce fever, balance ph, boost immune system, relieve tooth pain, for weight loss.
- decrease wrinkles and blemish, flush unwanted material, cure throat infection, relieves respiratory problem.
- clear out parasite and destroy intestinal worms.
- anti oxidant and anti cancer properties (has 22 anti cancer compound.)
- help with bad breath.
- if massage lemon juice on bleeding gum, it will help stop bleeding.
- popular remedy for pimples(acne) and black heads (apply the lemon juice on it)
- treat scuvy (lemon has vitamin c)
- anti bacterial properties which destroy malaria bacteria, cholera , diphtheria, typhoid and other deadly disease.
- strengthened blood vessels.
- improve eye disorder (probably due to lemon ability to clear toxin).
- good for thuse.
- help hydrate lymph system. particularly important when one is dehydrate.
- lessen heart disease, stroke, cancer .
- protect from cold, flu, recurrent ear infection, inflammatory polyarthiritis.
- also good for situation related to H1N1, tinnitus (ringing in the ear), meniere disease and kidney stone.
- aid digestion, recude pain, swelling, increase urination that reduce fluid retention.
- help to alkaline body fluid that retard the progress of many disease.
- aid weight loss.
- promote immunity and fight infection.
- heal canker case, erase eczema.
- cure corn and calluses???
- help prevent illness due to allergy to different water supply .
- stimulate brain activity and possibility even creativity.
- lower cholesterol.
- repel insects.
- reduce pain.
- stimulate production of stomach acid and activity of stomach.
- fight varicose and spider vein.

Spiritual Benefit:
- help reduce hunger craving.
- good for spiritual cleansing.
- in aromatheraphy oil it is use for clarity of mind, refresh spirit, energising,calmness, purification, healing ritual, break apathy and inertia, increase compassion and love.  Therefore also popular to increase ineffeciency of employee.
- use for cleasing and purification of home.
- to cleanse your house from bad vibe.  you need 2 lemon for ever room. cut the lemon in half  and place a half in each corner of ever room. if turn black, remove them. if turn black quickly , you have to do this twice. if the vibe is really bad, it will turn black in one or two hour. bury those used lemon at the north corner of your property.
- help abandon anxiety and promote sleep.
- help with fatigue symptom.
- helpful with hypertension along with garlic and onion.
- ward evil eye by pierce lemon with iron nails.
- ward evil eye by placing lemon in a glass of full of white transparent water at visible place (preferably where a lot people gather or walk by). change the water daily. 

Other benefits:
- use for wash fruit and vegatable simply by adding lemon juice into vinegar.

Author Note:
- not for those with ulcer as it can irritate stomach.
- not for those allergy to lemon.
- though there are uses on outer skin. lemon is also consider not suitable to apply on skin as this will increase the chance of sunburn.
- if drink too much may upset stomach and lead to canker sores.
- if drink too frequent, it may damage and erode your teeth protective enamel layer.
- be caustion of using undilluted lemon oil as it can be too strong.


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