Can An Evil Eye Bracelet Protect Your Children?

This is one question that seem to be popping up in my traffik sources information (however since the blogger only show a portion of the entire question , i assume this is the question that the person is asking).

So i'll be clarifying this according to what i had personally experience and research so far. Whether the evil eye bracelet effectiveness depend on its symbol and the type of stone the evil eye use. To start with i'll be assuming this evil eye bracelet is the popular type which are actually has the symbolic of 2 ring colours which is the black colour ring follow by a blue ring on the outer. The answer is indeed this symbolic ring should draw evil eye which cast by others and then return it to sender at a later time. in fact i do believe even the colour of the symbol had already done a portion of protecting from evil eye. but thats all to it.

Secondly , the evil eye bracelet depend on the types of stone it used. in other word, the effectiveness of evil eye protecting a children depend on the crystal abilities itself.  Crystal is indeed powerful enough to turn the tide of a situation in your life. however, crystal power has a limit . so if you are dealing with very overwhelming danger, your crystal can literally break into pieces . and the other issue with weakness is crystal like any other element , has its weakness and at times may not even function when it come in contact with its weakness.

which is why in the end, i had more faith in buddha mantra and mala beads as it can overcome very overwhelming danger by purifying your karma (on the basis that you can empower it by daily recitation). So if you had purify your karma, others simply don't have reason to even send you an evil eye in the first place.  Or your child can recite buddha mantra such as "Om mani padme hum " and blow on the evil eye bracelet making that evil eye bracelet a personal protective amulet (though it is easier if you do get amulet which is bless by lama as their blessing is more powerful) .

OM Mani Padme Hum itself are so far the most beneficial mantra to me as it can help reduce physical harm and reduce 6 negative emotions.but as for spirits and black magic you will need to consider other mantra or getting amulets from temple as though spirits may decide not to harm you, that doesn't mean they won't follow your child go everywhere.

I do have another post that mention about evil eyes in this very same blog under spiritual category.   


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