Aloe Vera

Aloe vera , widely available in all places as it is easily to be planted in mildly weather has lots of benefits  and even widely used by egyptians 6000 years ago to the point people think that aloe vera is the secret beauty of Cleopatra. Though it is widely use for external and internal use, my own readings suggest that internal usage may not be good for health . there are products which aloe vera uses it for food, food supplements, herbal and cosmetics.

Health benefits:
- has high vitamins and minerals such as A, C, E, folic acid, choline, b1, b2, b3(niacin), b1 and b12.
- high in amino acids and fatty acids.
- help reduce symptom of allergies and acid digestion.
- stimulate defense and adaptive mechanism of body.
- help with digestion.
- help rid of intestinal worms.
- help in detoxification by absorbing toxin and eliminated through the colon.
- help to alkalive body.
- help multiply the oxygen transportation , help lower risk of heart disease.
- boost immune system.
- help heal wound. good for burns, abrastions, psoriasis and bug bites.
- help relieve itching.
- eliminate many internal and external infections.
- slow down inflamation
- help with weight loss indirectly.
- help reverse cancer and aids.
- sooth ulcers, hemorrhoids, sunburn, wounds and other skin ailments.
- heal skin wounds, blisters, jaundice, sunburn, acne, frostbite, constipation, fungal infection, asthma, heartburn, expelling intestinal worms, conjunctivitis herpes, skin rashes, hepatitis, cirrhosis, insect bites and eczema.
- protect body against radiation through x-ray.
- rejuvenate dry skin, heal fungal and vaginal infections, heal psoriasis and urticarcia.
- reduce appearance of warts and reduce rosacece.
- good for those suffer from shingles.
- help prevent hair loss.
- lower high cholesterol.
- help reverse sticky blood.
- boost oxygenation of your blood.
- protect body from oxidation stress.
- can protect kidney stones and protect body from oxalates in coffeee and tea. (there is a controversy about this statement. could be due to the parts use in aloe vera).
- help cure ulcers , irritable bowel symptom ( another controversy statement ) , crohn disease and digestive disorder.
- help hydrate the skin, accelerats skin repair.
- amplify the antioxidant effect of vitamins.
- antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal.
- reduce tissue damage from frostbite.
- help eliminate scaly dryness that cause dandruff.
- use for natural conditioning agent.

other benefit:
- aloe seed said can be used for biofuels.
- use to help body cell follow normal instruction.

Author note:
- not to be taking internally during pregrancy , menstruation, haermorrhoids or degenaration of liver and gall bladder.
- to be use sparringly (if you are going for internal usage).
- have strong pungent smell (if you are drinking it).
- internal consumption may lead to diarrhea, electrolyte imblance, kidney disfunction , dry mouth , headache and nausea. contact dermanatitis, erythema or photoxicity.
- may lead to cramps or abodiminal pain.
- not for children and those with irratable bowel of syndrome, appendictis, diverticultis, haemorrhoids or ulcers.
- may result in lost of essential eletcolytes in body if use excessively.
- can cause miscarriage through premature uterine contractions.
- aloe vera had been tested on animal and found it cause cancer.
- if taken in may cause cancer .
- if taking in , possibly of harden the kidney and lead to serious kidney disease and even lead to death.
- those who use it may have to take more and more aloe vera to get a laxative effect.
- if take in may cause birth defects.
- not for those with intestinal conditions.
- not for those who are before , during and after surgery.
- can trigger side effect is use with other herbs.

* controversy statement here refer to there are different sites that mention different results of using aloe vera.  


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