Lemon is a well known fruit for drinks and consider as powerhouse flavoring to food. ancient egyptions believe lemon help protect against variety of poisons. Health Benefit : - keep skin clear by purge toxic in body. - promote wound healing. - reduce fever, balance ph, boost immune system, relieve tooth pain, for weight loss. - decrease wrinkles and blemish, flush unwanted material, cure throat infection, relieves respiratory problem. - clear out parasite and destroy intestinal worms. - anti oxidant and anti cancer properties (has 22 anti cancer compound.) - help with bad breath. - if massage lemon juice on bleeding gum, it will help stop bleeding. - popular remedy for pimples(acne) and black heads (apply the lemon juice on it) - treat scuvy (lemon has vitamin c) - anti bacterial properties which destroy malaria bacteria, cholera , diphtheria, typhoid and other deadly disease. - strengthened blood vessels. - improve eye disorder (probably due to lemon ability to clear ...