Lao zi chapter 3 -Without going out of the door, one can know all things under heaven

“Without going out of the door, one can know all things under heaven”, does this sound familiar to you? Well, this is certainly the information age where one does not need to go out of the door to know all things under heaven. If you are reading what I wrote here, you are certainly looking things under heaven now. With a computer connected to Internet, one may able to know all things that happening in this world without even going out of the door. By clicking my mouse few times, I can get the news all over the world and certainly can get the result of football competition as well.

The one who can know all things under heaven may actually refer to the a very wise and capable person as this person can knows things that happen in this world from the very inside of the room. Although it may also related to another theory that “the entire universe mystery can be found contained inside a walnut”

Perhaps because of this, one will know what happen in the world without stepping out of the door J. Although I have to admit I know what it says, but haven’t fully understood about it. J What do you think?


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