Lao zi chapter 4 – Refrain from exalting capable man, so that the people shall not compete. Refrain from valuing rare goods, so that the people shall

Lao zi chapter 3 – Refrain from exalting capable man, so that the people shall not compete. Refrain from valuing rare goods, so that the people shall not steal. Refrain from displaying anything arousing desire, so that the people’s heart will not be disturbed.

Refrain from exalting capable man, so that the people shall not compete. Refrain from valuing rare goods, so that the people shall not steal. Refrain from displaying anything arousing desire, so that the people’s heart will not be disturbed. This statement may have true in their own essences. As it may be the reason when a comparing was make, the lesser will feel dissastify and starts to attack the one who are capable person. As this is may be the reason due to greed and jealousy.

So by not displaying things that arouse desire, people heart will not be disturbed. While I do agree on the statement above as this will make people heart normal but what about treasures that is valuable and greatly benefits others. And having those treasure will make everyone living more happy than they were? Perhaps if we make the rare and valuable things as common as we can found like a piece of stone on he road, will that be a better idea? So everyone can get as many as they can afford easily and there is no lacking in it J


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