Lao zi chapter 2 -An army will be shattered when it become strong; trees will snap when they grow strong.

Lao zi – chapter 2
An army will be shattered when it become strong; trees will snap when they grow strong. The hard and strong are cast down , the soft and weak are set on high.

This maybe an indication that mention that once an army become strong, they will become arrogant and snobbish which would fasten the the worst consequences. Therefore , it is important for them to learn how to be humble and mindful about “ being proud will lead to fall’ . It is similar to where a big trees is easily uprooted by the wind where as grass will bend according to the wind blows and therefore no wind however strong can uproot the grass.

Perhaps for this reason, that a blacksmith knows a weapon must not be sharpen to the maximum as this will make the weapon do not last long.

On the other hand, the soft and weak will slowly set on become high as it was a slow continuous improvement where one will become good in the most unnoticed way. Yet it is a result that stays longer as a result of this.

What do you think? Do you agree?


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