
Why You Should Laugh

Laughing is a blessing; its sound is more contagious than any other sound, such as, coughing, sneezing or sniffle. As said all over the world, “laughter is the best medicine”. And, that is true, when laughing is shared with others; it binds the bond between people and releases the state of sadness. Apart from that, laugher can give many benefits to your health. Therefore, it should be experienced more often in your life. Here are the following benefits according to certain studies. It Boosts your Immune System According to researches, scientists have found that laugher increases the immune system by raising the production of anti-body T cells and consequently keeps you away from cough, sneeze and constipation. It Releases Depression Laugher is very helpful when one gets into the state of sadness and depression fulfilled with unpleasant feelings. It can help you overcome those states by releasing the tension, stress and all the negative aspects you are facing in your life. ...

Easy Steps to Be More Optimistic

Do you still remember the day when you were having a conversation with your father about a task she assigned to you or a postmortem with your boss? You thought you completed the task with success and unexpectedly you get admonished for a mistake you made and the whole day turns from bright into dark. I guess you are pretty familiar with it. We, human beings, tend to worry about the negative aspects of our lives, start assuming that everything we do is useless. This sort of thinking has major and negative effects on the quality of the life we take. If you are a type of person who focuses much on negative aspects of your life, then you are more likely to fail on all the objectives you plan to achieve. No worries. There are easy steps to overcome pessimism and become more optimistic person. Step 1: Forget All Negative Experiences Your life does not depend on the past. Your actions in the present will somehow influence the vision of your future. If you happened to experie...

The Guide to Build Self Confidence

In order to accomplish any particular goal or even attain a specific objective one has to be confident enough whether it is for appealing in a job interview, giving a public speech or else drive any vehicle. Without self-confidence, one is more likely to fail in any endeavor and every action he jumps into will just be another nail in the coffin. Building a state of self-confidence in the inner you is not a daunting challenge, it can be achieved easily by implementing the following actions. Have a good posture In order to bolster self-confidence skills, one ought to have a good posture. The ones walking with slumped shoulders are not self-confident enough and they do everything with less enthusiasm. All you need to do in order to build a good posture is practicing a lot by standing up still with your head up and master the art of eye contact. Dress Properly It is not always that your physical appearance determines whether you are a confident person or not. But, unmistakab...

Why You Need To Master Persuasion

Our life is related to persuasion in many instances. The watch you bought when you did not plan, the money you spent on the shop next to your house when you actually intended to buy something else and the change of your decision pertaining to buying some shoes in your most frequented store. All these stuffs are closely related to persuasion. The way you persuade others can give a big advantage to you and to your life as well. This article will walk you through the reason why you should master persuasion.    If you have the skills required to persuade somebody, you can easily convince anybody. Do you remember the days you used to convince your parents to get you some new clothes while pretending that your clothes are worn out? I am pretty sure you still remember those good times. And, that action has got a name and it is called persuasion. As today, you are grown up; you can still implement this art to your relatives and people of your position or even high class. Let’s...

he who is content is rich; he who acts with persistence has will

He who is content is rich; he who acts with persistence has will; he who does not lose his roots will endure; he who dies physically but preserves the Tao will enjoy a long life Wise Men Sayings, Lao zi Says Published by Zi Publications Sdn Bhd Author note: To be honest , i had no idea how to be content (though at one point of time i really did). However, whoever lives in a content lives is certainly seem much more enjoying and happy life which another person whom may earn more than him, have more than him yet still find that this content person is much happy and content and an inner smile that no amount of money can really buy it. (one may smile away with instant gratification before the old pattern fall back into place and everything is same again). When one is persistent, this is because one has a will which is far more valueable than anything the person encounter .

How to Cleanse and charge your crystals

1. Sandalwood and lights - Sandalwoods help to cleanse your crystal almost instantly. Therefore putting a sandalwood on your crystals may infact cleanse your crystal instantly from negative energy. 2. lights - As long as your crystals are place in location where they can receive fair amount of light (artificial or sunlight), your crystal are already receiving energy to do their work. 3. Swarosvki - This is an unusual way which i found that it can turn out to be useful in amplifying the energy you receive from light as swaroski with its faceted form infact do reflect the colour energy they receive to quite a distance. Thus if you had a box of crystals and wanted all the crystals to receive energy (including those underneath)  , consider doing it this way. You will find that your crystal tumblestones in your box work twice as efficient than before.  a 2cm faceted swaroski do infact reflect the colour energy to a diameter size about of 8cm. Although the colour energy refle...

job searching websites

For people who are searching for jobs / careers /income : Online Jobs Jobs available in many countries www. monster  India Malaysia Singapore Thailand www. jobthai .com   UK USA http://jobs.americ...

Dream of someone crying

If you had dream of someone crying, sobbing or weeping in your dreams but you never knew who is that person. It could be one of your past life family or relatives who had fallen into evil destiny and had no way to get out and thus come to you to ask for help. Similarly if you dream of your family member crying it probably mean the same. So you can try check out Ksitigarbha sutra as it had instrtuction on how to help those in your dream. free image from:

11 eye dzi bead

11 eyes dzi bead is a bead that have 4 major bodhissattvas blessing which helps to increase wearer wisdom, release human suffering and general good fortune. It is a combination of 5 wealth god and “Om Mani Padme Hum” blessings. It helps a person to accumulate wisdom and happiness by eradicate evil intentions including craving and this lead to the peace of heart and mind. It prevents mishap and dangers and help create safe environment to smoothen path to success. 5 Dhyani Buddha in this dzi bead are : Akshobhya – Buddha of Consciousness, Perfection, Subdue Demons Ratnasambhava – Buddha of Nature, Senses, Gift Bestowing Vairochana – Buddha of Dharma, Wisdom, Preaching, Observing Amitabha – Buddha of Boundless Light, Wish Fulfilling, Meditation, Jewels, Salvation Amoghasiddhi – Buddha of Conformation, Practice, Strength, Abide to Law Author note: 11 eye dzi bead helps to purify negative emotions such as anger , hatred, ignorance, pride , miserliness, jealousy, envy , competitive ...

7 eyes dzi bead

If you are new to dzi beads and would like to get a dzi bead but unsure which bead is best for you, I would recommend 7 eyes dzi bead as it helps to improve an overall of the wearer life such as success, health, wealth, longevity, relationship. The bead would take a look into the situation and improve the area where it is needed. It is believe that 7 eyes dzi bead represent the 7 medicine buddhas and therefore help a person in 7 kind of life aspirations such as perfection, reputation, career, wealth, health, longevity and relatioships. It is said that it bring in great abundance and good luck to owner as it help the wearer to overcome self-limit concept and thus open the path to all goodness that is coming into one person life. 7 eye dzi bead also help one with difficulties in life so that the difficulties will not be overwhelming. Author own note: 7 eye dzi bead are said to be 7 medicines buddha and therefore it also help healing in your life (most probably by act...