11 eye dzi bead

11 eyes dzi bead is a bead that have 4 major bodhissattvas blessing which helps to increase wearer wisdom, release human suffering and general good fortune. It is a combination of 5 wealth god and “Om Mani Padme Hum” blessings. It helps a person to accumulate wisdom and happiness by eradicate evil intentions including craving and this lead to the peace of heart and mind. It prevents mishap and dangers and help create safe environment to smoothen path to success.

5 Dhyani Buddha in this dzi bead are :

Akshobhya – Buddha of Consciousness, Perfection, Subdue Demons
Ratnasambhava – Buddha of Nature, Senses, Gift Bestowing
Vairochana – Buddha of Dharma, Wisdom, Preaching, Observing
Amitabha – Buddha of Boundless Light, Wish Fulfilling, Meditation, Jewels, Salvation
Amoghasiddhi – Buddha of Conformation, Practice, Strength, Abide to Law

Author note:
11 eye dzi bead helps to purify negative emotions such as anger , hatred, ignorance, pride , miserliness, jealousy, envy , competitive emotion and so on which such negative emotion and negative karma may lead one to reborn in hell , hungry ghost and so on.


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