he who is content is rich; he who acts with persistence has will

He who is content is rich; he who acts with persistence has will; he who does not lose his roots will endure; he who dies physically but preserves the Tao will enjoy a long life

Wise Men Sayings, Lao zi Says
Published by Zi Publications Sdn Bhd

Author note:

To be honest , i had no idea how to be content (though at one point of time i really did). However, whoever lives in a content lives is certainly seem much more enjoying and happy life which another person whom may earn more than him, have more than him yet still find that this content person is much happy and content and an inner smile that no amount of money can really buy it. (one may smile away with instant gratification before the old pattern fall back into place and everything is same again).

When one is persistent, this is because one has a will which is far more valueable than anything the person encounter .


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