
Lao zi chapter 4 – Refrain from exalting capable man, so that the people shall not compete. Refrain from valuing rare goods, so that the people shall

Lao zi chapter 3 – Refrain from exalting capable man, so that the people shall not compete. Refrain from valuing rare goods, so that the people shall not steal. Refrain from displaying anything arousing desire, so that the people’s heart will not be disturbed. Refrain from exalting capable man, so that the people shall not compete. Refrain from valuing rare goods, so that the people shall not steal. Refrain from displaying anything arousing desire, so that the people’s heart will not be disturbed. This statement may have true in their own essences. As it may be the reason when a comparing was make, the lesser will feel dissastify and starts to attack the one who are capable person. As this is may be the reason due to greed and jealousy. So by not displaying things that arouse desire, people heart will not be disturbed. While I do agree on the statement above as this will make people heart normal but what about treasures that is valuable and great...

Lao zi chapter 3 -Without going out of the door, one can know all things under heaven

“Without going out of the door, one can know all things under heaven”, does this sound familiar to you? Well, this is certainly the information age where one does not need to go out of the door to know all things under heaven. If you are reading what I wrote here, you are certainly looking things under heaven now. With a computer connected to Internet, one may able to know all things that happening in this world without even going out of the door. By clicking my mouse few times, I can get the news all over the world and certainly can get the result of football competition as well. The one who can know all things under heaven may actually refer to the a very wise and capable person as this person can knows things that happen in this world from the very inside of the room. Although it may also related to another theory that “the entire universe mystery can be found contained inside a walnut” Perhaps because of this, one will know what happen in the world without stepping out of the door...

Lao zi chapter 2 -An army will be shattered when it become strong; trees will snap when they grow strong.

Lao zi – chapter 2 An army will be shattered when it become strong; trees will snap when they grow strong. The hard and strong are cast down , the soft and weak are set on high. This maybe an indication that mention that once an army become strong, they will become arrogant and snobbish which would fasten the the worst consequences. Therefore , it is important for them to learn how to be humble and mindful about “ being proud will lead to fall’ . It is similar to where a big trees is easily uprooted by the wind where as grass will bend according to the wind blows and therefore no wind however strong can uproot the grass. Perhaps for this reason, that a blacksmith knows a weapon must not be sharpen to the maximum as this will make the weapon do not last long. On the other hand, the soft and weak will slowly set on become high as it was a slow continuous improvement where one will become good in the most unnoticed way. Yet it is a result that stays longer as a result of this. What do yo...

Lao zi - He who respects the State as his own person is fit to govern it. He who loves the State as his own body is fit to be entrusted with it.

Chapter 1 - Lao zi says He who respects the State as his own person is fit to govern it. He who loves the State as his own body is fit to be entrusted with it. – Lao Zi Wise Men Talking series Lao zi says, published by Zi Publications Sdn Bhd. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He who respects the state as his own person is fit to govern it. He who loves the states as his own body is fit to be entrusted with it. While this theory is seem so strange , it may infact hold an underlying truth which I wonder it by myself. Perhaps lao zi had wrote it in such a way that who ever take care of the state must be able to take care of the state as how he take care of himself for a very reason that if a person are unable to take care of himself well, he would not be able to take care of the state well also. And it may also imply that the person who are entrusted to take care the state are one who loves the states as his own body as we do know almost ...

Give Money To Get More Money

The ideas of giving money to get more money has been a theory which been known by people who are rich . It is infact a good way and seem to be a practical way that i thought i should try out this theory. After some few months conclusion, i found out that this theory do infact work out but a caution of word i must say to add here. "You have to know what kind of give money as it may yield you a different benefits than the one you originally plan." Making a charity in preserving the environment , may most likely not going to make you rich. However, you may likely to get the benefit that your place is becoming more friendly environment. Therefore, try to give money that helps yield money back directly if you are looking for better result :) For a starting, it is best to give money to investment types or things that helps to grow your business for example.

21 eye dzi bead

21 eye dzi bead Last review: 07 Dec 2010 21-eye bead is the one of the most powerful dzi bead that is believe to enhance wearer natural magic power, help to realize what wearer desires to maximum extent. It is consider to be able to help you to reach the highest form of yourself while living as a human as it help you to discover your true desire and dreams, giving you strength to overcome difficulties and challenge in your life as 21 eye bead includes the blessing of Taras in it. Some of the blessings in the Tara include: - Helping you to develop a bodhisattva mind - Give you victory over negative event in your life - Overcome disharmonious conditions - Remove fears and doubts - Giving wealth and increase auspicious conditions - Destroy negativity, sorrow, false beliefs and obstacles that prevent you to knowledge of enlightment. - Liberate from poverty and pain - Increase wearer wisdom - Eliminate disputes (c...