
Showing posts from July, 2013

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera , widely available in all places as it is easily to be planted in mildly weather has lots of benefits  and even widely used by egyptians 6000 years ago to the point people think that aloe vera is the secret beauty of Cleopatra. Though it is widely use for external and internal use, my own readings suggest that internal usage may not be good for health . there are products which aloe vera uses it for food, food supplements, herbal and cosmetics. Health benefits: - has high vitamins and minerals such as A, C, E, folic acid, choline, b1, b2, b3(niacin), b1 and b12. - high in amino acids and fatty acids. - help reduce symptom of allergies and acid digestion. - stimulate defense and adaptive mechanism of body. - help with digestion. - help rid of intestinal worms. - help in detoxification by absorbing toxin and eliminated through the colon. - help to alkalive body. - help multiply the oxygen transportation , help lower risk of heart disease. - boost immune system. ...

Can An Evil Eye Bracelet Protect Your Children?

This is one question that seem to be popping up in my traffik sources information (however since the blogger only show a portion of the entire question , i assume this is the question that the person is asking). So i'll be clarifying this according to what i had personally experience and research so far. Whether the evil eye bracelet effectiveness depend on its symbol and the type of stone the evil eye use. To start with i'll be assuming this evil eye bracelet is the popular type which are actually has the symbolic of 2 ring colours which is the black colour ring follow by a blue ring on the outer. The answer is indeed this symbolic ring should draw evil eye which cast by others and then return it to sender at a later time. in fact i do believe even the colour of the symbol had already done a portion of protecting from evil eye. but thats all to it. Secondly , the evil eye bracelet depend on the types of stone it used. in other word, the effectiveness of evil eye protecting...