What is in the end to be contracted, must first be expanded

What is in the end to be contracted, must first be expanded. Whatever is to be weakened, must begin by being strengthened. What is to be destroyed, must first be promoted. He who would be a taker, must begin as a giver.

Wise Men talking series, Lao Zi says
published by Zi Publications Sdn Bhd.

Author note:

This is a note that in order to collapse something, first it must be expand. It is hard to explain but nevertheless it is a deadly effective strategic. In fact, it can be so effective that it is already being use in business war many times that no one even notice about it. They simply think that it is an opportunity given. Like an atom, they had a certain gravity that pull and keep themself together with another atom, forming a structure. However, once the atom had been pull further than their gravity, it'll start collapsing and things will probably change , never stay as the same again anymore.



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