Those who are able to understand me are very few, and those who are able to follow me are very hard to meet.

Those who are able to understand me are very few, and those who are able to follow me are very hard to meet. Therefore, the sage wears coarse garb, but carries precious jade under his garment.

Wise Men talking Series , Lao Zi Says
Published by ZI Publications Sdn Bhd.

Author Note:
Honestly, I had no idea how to elaborate this particular sayings as it is a saying that can be look from different perspectives.  On one side of the sayings, it mean that the wise people had reach to the level of wisdom which many of the rest did not reach, and thus maybe the reason why many do not understand the wise men. It can be also because the wise people saw or understand the true nature that things do not stay permanent and thus understand that richness of material possession is something that are bound to pass away. And because of this , the wear simple cloth yet  had the precious jade (known as virtue) are kept even more deeply within them.




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