lao zi - Content Yourself with your success, and stop; do not seek to dominate all under heaven by force.

Lao zi - Content Yourself with your success, and stop; do not seek to dominate all under heaven by force.

Content yourself with your success, and stop; do not seek to dominate all under heaven by force. Suceed but don’t boast about it, succeed but don’t brag about it. Succeed but don’t be arrogant, succeed and take it as you have to, succeed and don’t attempt to dominate.

Reference: Wise men Talking series from Zi Publication sdn bhd.

Author note:

Content yourself with your success, and stop; do not seek to dominate all under heaven by force. Suceed but don’t boast about it, succeed but don’t brag about it. Succeed but don’t be arrogant, succeed and take it as you have to, succeed and don’t attempt to dominate.

Content yourself with your success and stop. Perhaps this is for one so that one will learn to be content with what one have. Do not seek to dominate all under heaven by force maybe a lesson that things should be accomplish through non-violence. Suceed but don’t boast or brag about it so that others will not think you are an egoistic person, it will keep you humble and it may be true that the success was accomplish through other people helps as well.

There is another saying that if one do not brag about their merits, nobody else can take away their merits as well. As eventually someone else in its own time will notice the truth.

content with your sucess, do not seek to dominate. Do not brag or boast about yourself. Through this, one will enjoy peace and success for a long time :)


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