
Great Compassion Mantra, Heart Sutra, Om Mani Padme Hum (blue book) (FD30062020-2) under progress

GREAT COMPASSION MANTRA HEART SUTRA OM MANI PADME HUM 大悲咒 心经 唵嘛呢叭咪吽 BODHISATTVA AVALOKITESVARA 觀世音菩薩  Next Page Bodhisattva Guan Yin's Birthday 2nd Lunar Month 19th Day 觀世菩薩聖誕 二月十九日  Bodhisattva Guan Yin's Enlightenment Day 6th Lunar Month 19th Day 觀世菩薩成道 六月十九日 Bodhisattva Guan Yin's Leaving Home Day 9th Lunar Month 19th Day 觀世菩薩出家 九月十九日 Next Page 萬徳莊嚴 *Buddha and bodhisattva images* 南無阿弥陀佛 Namo Amitabha Buddha 南無大势至菩萨 Namo Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva 南無觀世音菩薩 Namo Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva Next Page 南無觀世音菩薩 *bodhisattva image* Namo Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara Next Page 目录 A.誦念 1.香讚........1 2.大悲咒......4 3.六字真言.........15 4. 三归依..........16 5. 迴向偈..........18 6.观音靈感歌............20 7. 聖观音頌...........24 B.佛前大供儀規...........27 C.諸經咒..............42 1.心經.........................43 2.准提咒......................50 3.药師咒..........................52 D.*解说明................61 1.誦持大悲咒之功效.............

Smithsonite (FD26072020-5)

Smithsonite is consider a mineral though in china it is also use as part of medicinal purpose. however since it is mineral, it has been advise to use it externally and not internally. though i personally think it is much better to remain it as a crystal function . Health Benefit: - help with immune system problems, alcoholism, sinus problems and digestive ailments. - useful to deal with addiction, obsessive, compulsive behaviour. - useful for ameliarate dysfunction in the immune system, skin eruptions, osteoporosis, sinus disorder and digestive disorder. - treat infertility. - heal sinus digestivedisorders, osteopororsis and alcoholism. also restore elasticity in vein and muscles. Spiritual Benefit: - increase charm kindness and positive happening. - activate chakra  (depend on the stone colour). - help attract new friends. - place on crown chakra to align all chakras. - use as substitute stone when you can not find specific stone. - help determine the message you ...

Buddhism Sutra PDF download (FD20062020-1)

Buddhism pdf that the author found across the internet 1. medicine buddha pdf link : source: 2. golden light sutra pdf link : source: 3. Great Compassion Sutra pdf link: source: 4. Sutra of Arya Tara saving from eight fear pdf link: source: 5. Astasahasrika (perfection of wisdom in 84000 line and its summary translate by Edward Conze) pdf: source: 6. Surangama Sutra pdf:

Mantra that lessen suicide (FD20062020-6)

Suicide can be trigger by many factor such as environmental, work pressure,family issue and so on where one is said to be unable to see a way out (for some they may actually consciously know it but unable to stop it because their body move against their will - this is a form of body karma). From buddhism perspective, one of the reason why someone will commit suicide is because one has capture some sentient being probably by rope (the ancient way of hunting through nets and rope where the victim are kill). This could happen especially if one past life was a hunter, fisherman to make a living. So the karma finally ripen in this life either as an environment factor or someone who just simply will make your life a hell ( it is call karma creditor because you owe them their life- the karma can be purify if you can dedicate a lot of merits to pay back the debt along with sincere repentance. doing buddhist activities such as chanting sutra, recite mantra, doing puja, life release, donate to t...

Mantra lessen sufferings (FD20062020-8)

Most of the mantras do in  a way that help lessen suffering. but if one really wish to lessen one suffering, it is a good idea to increase wisdom as ignorance is the main reason why one did a lot of wrong thing (thinking it is correct ) and end up suffering. the four noble truth teach by buddha will help one understand.   1. 17th orange tara from lilian too's tibetan cosmic magic series 21 tara oracle (check the book whether you should recite this mantra) mantra: om tare tuttare ture sawa tambah nette ray soha - length fearlessness and subdues all diseases. alleviates pains and sufferings. lend strength and courage. remove all your fears , real and imagined. good for those feeling anxious ,worries , depressed. also help with unsettling event that distress family peace and harmony that come from enemies. help with dementia , alzheimer (loss of memory) cause by naga that usually start on october. bring bliss (happiness) and alleviate pain. help with outstanding issu...

Mantra for wish come true (FD20062020-7)

In Buddhism, for a wish to come true depend on whether one has cultivated a lot of good merits, did a lot of good deeds or not. If one wish face a lot of obstacle to come true, this is a sign that one has a lot of negative karma. The good thing about buddhism mantra is that it can help one realize one wish without harming anyone at all (because buddha has reach the perfect cultivation and therefore the merit generate from reciting the buddha mantra are all purely virtues merit) . Author note: Whatever one wish should be purely good and virtue as one is still govern by the law of karma. Therefore if one wish for bad thing, one will still have to face the consequences karma (Even if it is just a wishful thought. Generating even a single negative thought will still have its own karma seed). The good news is that buddhism mantra will help your wish come true through good way. So there is a lot of wish that can be realize through buddhism mantra except making someone falling in love, for...

Mantra for pregnant & children (FD20062020-5)

1. life release animal - birds - by releasing birds which are cage to freedom, one in future will have grandchildren. 2. offer a bunch of grapes to buddha statue - a bunch of grapes symbolize abundant children and grandchildren. so be sure to offer sweet grapes. 3. 1st red tara (tara the heroic) from lilian too's tibetan cosmic magic series 21 Tara Oracle - check the book if you should recite this mantra. mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Washen Kuru Soha - This tara is known as the swift liberator who carry different implements of controlling. it is helpful with obstacles that cause by local landlords, if you have disturbing dream at night or trouble sleeping or harm cause by rGyalpo spirit. 4. 13th flaming red tara from  lilian too's tibetan cosmic magic series 21 Tara Oracle - check the book if you should recite this mantra. mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Porta Yah Bami Kuru Soha - thirteen flaming red t...

Buddhist Sutra Publisher links (FD20062020-2)

This post are meant for those who are interested to donate so that buddhist sutra such as dharma sutra can be publish , translate and widely circulate for the benefit of everyone and for free. The post will be update from time to time whenever found relevant link , website for this. (one of the reason according to a buddhism text is that the buddha dharma will eventually disappear from this world are due to lack of printing dharma sutra ) Therefore this author will try search for the publisher on dharma sutra that teach by buddha shakyamuni words by words first. And for those who are interested getting a copy of dharma sutra , the author personally think that getting a printed paper copy is better since the digital format file can be corrupted. 1.Amitabha Buddhist centre - FPMT 2. FPMT education and preservation fund 3. Buddha-...

Sangha - Dharma Master Cheng Yen (Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation) (FD20062020-3)

1. Wisdom at Dawn (Lotus Sutra) ep1376: The Buddha's Mighty Power Protects Us from Afar

Dzi Kingdom brochure 1 (FD20062020-4)

The Dzi Beads of Tibet Personal Feng Shui 5 Elements Enhancement with Tibetan Dzi Feng Shui Asia Pacific TOP Excellence Brand Award Asia Pacific International Honesty Enterprise Keris Award 21st Century The Prestigious Brand Award Health & Beauty Award A member of Planetery Gemologist Association Master Lui When Antique Dzi's are worn in a perfect combination with yor own Bazi, the luck energies are unprecedented. FREE * CALCULATION A powerful combination luck enhancement Bazi Numerology 5 Element Yearly ZOdiac *Walk-in customers only Genuine and Authentic Antique Dzi with Certificate. - Your Birthday (Bazi) holds the key to your past and present destiny and character. - An accurate reading can determine the Element(s) you need and use it for your whole life. - Choosing the right number(s) with your Element(s) can greatly affect your Luck and Fortune. - The powerful Tibetan Dzi with symbols and number(s) all have their unique blessings and energies....