
Diamond and Pestle Dzi Bead

Diamond with pestle dzi bead is a special bead, which has the looks of diamond symbols with pestles in between diamonds. This bead are recommend for those in healer position as it helps the person find recipes for greatest good for patients. The pestles help the wearer with formula of body while the diamond helps with the mind and spirits. The combination of diamond and pestles helps one to locate and create best formula for the ill. Therefore it is suitable for those who are in the profession such as doctors or scientists who are searching for best formula to heal the types of illness that are plaguing in our today world. This bead also keep ghost away from human body and help improve health and wisdom.

Rooster Dzi Bead

Rooster dzi bead assist owner making all dreams come true. It assists owner in finding and following their passion. It assists dream work, making dreamtime become more effective. It adds passion to other forces that represent on bead.

Medicine Buddha Dzi Bead

Medicine Buddha dzi bead usually has only one thread of color, which is usually white around the center of a round or oblong bead. It may appear like a band of color. It represents wealth and healing ability. This bead is especially for healer as healers have different needs for their personal healing due to the fact they use their energy to continuously to heal mankind and humanity. This bead is also good as it helps the wearer to do more with greater clarity, reduce anxiety that coming from karma of not working quickly enough, helps the wearer that related to mundane day to day task so the wearer can concentrate on healing, assist with guilt that related to the greatest disease and disease creator of all. It also helps to bring back laughter and lightness. This bead is a good bead for healer. Do note that if the person shirks their responsibilities, this bead will backfire and cause havoc with the person life as this bead can garner severe karma. Personal experienc...

Lotus Bud Dzi Bead

There are few types of lotus that is known as lotus bud dzi bead, lotus dzi bead and double lotus dzi bead. Lotus bud dzi bead is a dzi bead that promotes popularity, improve good aura, enhance relationship (especially if it is with 2 eyes together) and attract all auspicious signs to owner. Obstacle faced by owner will be net by the dzi unique pattern. This dzi bead helps to illuminate all form of negativity so that one sees and identifies it rather than becoming complacement with negativity, it helps the owner for an experience in blossoming in all auspicious direction. Lotus dzi bead on the other hand are for those who wishes for pretty appearance and pleasant character with mental tranquility. Since it is a flower that grows above the mud pond while others flower will die under such condition. It symbolizes that even in the filthiest condition, one can grow and even thrive. It protects from all filth, negatives forces and evil and give peace to the wearer. It helps...

Longevity Dzi Bead

Longevity dzi bead is a longevity bottle with a nectar bottle inside the bottle. Sometimes it may also have looks of the heart within a heart topped by a cross. This bead helps one to increase income, eradicate sadness and suffering. It also helps wearer to attract luck, make money and become healthier.

Kwan yin dzi bead

Kwan Yin dzi bead is a bead, which symbolize Kwan Yin Pu SA  (Guan yin or Avalokiteshvara ), a popular bodhisattva whose known as “the one who hear the cries of the world”. For those who know the looks of a Kwan Yin statue, the bead has the outlook of the Kwan yin holding a vase. Kwan Yin helps give mental tranquility to the wearer. She also ensures the safety of the wearer especially in traffic. Note: whoever practices Kwan Yin mantra is said to be able to help one increase in abundance wealth in long term, so I believe Kwan Yin dzi bead should have similar effect as well.

Herb Dzi Bead

Herb dzi bead is another dzi bead that is focus on health and a person wellness. It is believe to be more useful on a healer hand than other people as it has the abilities to find correct medicine for disease or condition one is experiencing. It assists the wearer to create balance to maintain health wellness lifestyle. It also helps to remove or attack roots of disease and control the growth of the disease. This dzi bead also helps to create healthy focus and healthy mind.

benefits and disadvantages of drinking coffee

In this modern time, the more evolve our societies are , the more things are produce, each with its own individualities. While it can be herald as a life that is truly enrinching with different sorts of artistics, it can also mean that things are no longer simple as how it was in the past.  IN this article, what we are talking about is the basic ingredient of coffee and whether coffee does more good or worse to us in long term. Coffee, like a ritual before one goes to work, it become a must for most of us to get out of bed and goes to work in full of boost and energy . The world seem like come to a halt or not moving whenever we skipped the coffee for a day. and this certainly are because due to the caffeine attribute that lies in the coffee which help a person to keep awake and addd psychological boost. It was even suggested that it may help protect agaisnst type 2 diabetes, parkinson disease, liver cancer , liver cirrhoasis. In fact study shows that it may even lower the risk o...

Why You Should Laugh

Laughing is a blessing; its sound is more contagious than any other sound, such as, coughing, sneezing or sniffle. As said all over the world, “laughter is the best medicine”. And, that is true, when laughing is shared with others; it binds the bond between people and releases the state of sadness. Apart from that, laugher can give many benefits to your health. Therefore, it should be experienced more often in your life. Here are the following benefits according to certain studies. It Boosts your Immune System According to researches, scientists have found that laugher increases the immune system by raising the production of anti-body T cells and consequently keeps you away from cough, sneeze and constipation. It Releases Depression Laugher is very helpful when one gets into the state of sadness and depression fulfilled with unpleasant feelings. It can help you overcome those states by releasing the tension, stress and all the negative aspects you are facing in your life. ...

Easy Steps to Be More Optimistic

Do you still remember the day when you were having a conversation with your father about a task she assigned to you or a postmortem with your boss? You thought you completed the task with success and unexpectedly you get admonished for a mistake you made and the whole day turns from bright into dark. I guess you are pretty familiar with it. We, human beings, tend to worry about the negative aspects of our lives, start assuming that everything we do is useless. This sort of thinking has major and negative effects on the quality of the life we take. If you are a type of person who focuses much on negative aspects of your life, then you are more likely to fail on all the objectives you plan to achieve. No worries. There are easy steps to overcome pessimism and become more optimistic person. Step 1: Forget All Negative Experiences Your life does not depend on the past. Your actions in the present will somehow influence the vision of your future. If you happened to experie...