benefits and disadvantages of drinking coffee

In this modern time, the more evolve our societies are , the more things are produce, each with its own individualities. While it can be herald as a life that is truly enrinching with different sorts of artistics, it can also mean that things are no longer simple as how it was in the past.  IN this article, what we are talking about is the basic ingredient of coffee and whether coffee does more good or worse to us in long term.

Coffee, like a ritual before one goes to work, it become a must for most of us to get out of bed and goes to work in full of boost and energy . The world seem like come to a halt or not moving whenever we skipped the coffee for a day. and this certainly are because due to the caffeine attribute that lies in the coffee which help a person to keep awake and addd psychological boost. It was even suggested that it may help protect agaisnst type 2 diabetes, parkinson disease, liver cancer , liver cirrhoasis. In fact study shows that it may even lower the risk of death from cardiovascular disease from those who do not drink as much..

On the other hand, coffee are notorious for its side effect such as fatigue, insomnia, gain weight, depression and also a weakened immune system. It also help to build more stress to your kidneys. If you ever feel constant fatigue, brain fog, cold hand and feets, depressison, poor mental clarity, sweeth tooth, eyelid twitching, weak sexual desire  , this may indicate that you are drinking excessive coffee.

if your coffee are brew more than 120 celcius, it will contain accylanides which help increase various cancer risks and cause muscle weakness, numbness nerve damage.

Or if you are taking intstant coffee, the instant coffee do contain toxic heavy mineral calcium which can causes kidney problems.  

Perhaps the next time you thought of coffee and are wondering how to consume lesser ,  you may want to switch to other drinks such as tea (for me, a hot tea can help to keep one awake for roughly around 4 hours other than its help to clean toxic and excess oil in our body ) or hot chocolate and an early sleep.  


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