Essential Oil and its benefits (FD11062021-01)

 This post are meant to introduce some of the essential oil which the author think is useful and beneficial. not only from the aromatheraphy scientific usage but also based on the folklore belief and daily practical usage.

essential oil can be use on essential oil burner, aromatheraphy locket, aromatheraphy keychain , aromatheraphy wood and so on. 

Author note: do be particular careful when passing through area that has alot of ghosts. as some ghosts maybe too hungry and can pull you into drain and causes untimely accident such as (falling into big drain and hurt yourself). smell eater ghost smell scent to eat. the solution to this problem are usually the local owner of those places will burn incense for the wandering spirits nearby the roadside at constant daily routine to avert disaster. 

 Bay leaf - bay leaf helps to repel cockroach .  the author did not use essential oil for this as the author found the leaf in a kitchen grocery area. it is said that if you need money, write the amount needed on a piece of a bay leaf and then burn it completely. your wish will come true (be sure that the leaf is big enough for you to write it).  and do make sure to be careful not to start any fire hazard. 

Clove - traditionally use in incense as it is believe to stop gossip. clove help to repel mosquitoes, cockroach and ant. clove scent are said to be fungicide and has antibacterial properties. clove essential oil are also used to repel bed bugs (do note that clove oil can actually kill bed bugs)

Clary sage- beneficial for women health. handle the clary sage oil with care as it is kinda toxic if one consume too many drop of it. 

Cedarwood oil - help repel cockcroach. thought to increase justice.  reduce the sign of aging.guard skin against environmental pollutants and toxin.

 Frankincense essential oil - help in reducing wrinkle and large pore.thought to have anti-inflammoory properties.

Juniper- in buddhism, it is use for calming anxiety as well as an ingredient for naga puja which thought to heal nervous related issue(for naga healing) . as in modern world, juniper are use for heal skin irritation , infection and rash. also for treating acne .


 Lavendar - lavendar is very good for calming a person . beneficial for those who has sleep problem. lavendar repel cockcroach , bed bugs . however lavendar attract ants .


 Pine essential oil - Pine aroma is believe to help clear obstacles. therefore for those who had problem such as stuck in a traffic jam, the driver are not coming on time. use some pine essential oil. it is also believe that using pine can help increase a person income luck (ideal for employee who want to boost their salary luck). Note: pine smell might attract cockcroach (there are article which mention pine don't attract insect while other article suggest it might).

Rosemary - the scent can repel roaches (note of caution: rosemary oil are strong enough to kill roaches on contact.especially brown cockcroaches).the scent also repel ant.  say to be helpful in improve memory, lessen stress, mental fatigue, ease stress, improve circulation. with the possibility of weakening antibiotic resistant bacteria .

Slippery Elm (Ulmus Rubra) - slippery elm incense are use  to stop gossip, slander.


Tea Tree Oil - use to reduce acne. repel bed bug and also centipede.

 Vanilla essential oil - relaxing and tranquilizing. also said to be ant repellant. vanilla attract cockroaches as vanilla mean food for them.

Ylang Ylang - Ylang ylang essential oil attract ant at low concentration.




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