Information for Thalassemia disease (under progress)

Thalassemia disease
- is a genetic disease that inherit through family.
- it is mean blood disorder problem as the body cannot generate enough healthy blood known as hemoglobin.

key important point:
- hemoglobin is build from bone marrow and spleen.
- iron nutrient type of food may need to be limited as thalassemia patient usually may have overload iron.
- non-gmo plant based food are important as genetic modify food are said to contain a lot of pesticide and can cause damage to organ body.
- limit iodine intake.

consequences from thalassemia disease:
1.  increase risk of heart attack.
2. increase risk of cardiovascular disease.
3.  increase risk of cardiac disease (iron overload)
4. increase risk of oversize spleen and bone marrow
5.  increase risk of osteoperosis. bone  end up becoming thin and brittle.
6.  increase risk of infection

nutrient important for thalassemia disease:
: vitamin A
- vitamin E
- vitamin b6 (pyrodoxine)
- folic acid (vitamin b9) - for repair dna cell. also to build blood
- vitamin b12 - for blood formation.
- calcium - important for bone marrow which build blood. also important as it can block iron absorbtion.
- protein - important for bone marrow which build blood.

food for thalassemia disease
- common salt - said to be effective for large spleen problem.
- brinjal - said to be good for healing large spleen problem.
- tea - black tea, green tea help to reduce iron absorbtion.
- cocoa - help prevent iron absorbtion.

food for bone marrow  stem cell
- green tea
- blue berries
- promegranate
- goji berries

healing methods:
(the following methods are meant as additional support to heal the body. it does not in anyway replace a doctor advise .)

1.  prithvi mudra - said to be beneficial for balance spleen organ.

2. varun mudra - said to be helpful in blood related problem.

3.  prana mudra

4.  special sur offering for one ancestors are needed to be perform.   in buddhism, a genetic inheritance disease occur because one ancestor are suffering from similar disease and therefore its descendants will inherit the disease. the patient disease will be able to cure when the ancestor disease are cure. smell offering of the particular herb that heal the particular disease are offer to the ghost where the merits are dedicated to the sick ancestors. in this way, the ancestor will get to cure the sickness and thus the patients sickness will also get to the chance to be fully cure.
- make fruit offering to buddha statue - it is said that fruit offering can help keep contagious disease at bay. (thus reducing  overload work for spleen organ).

 5. make red sugar offering to buddha
 - according to master hai tao teaching. regularly do red sugar offering to buddha can cure anemia.  the video is in mandarin language. (red sugar in china is known as brown sugar)

6. make fruit and food offering to buddha
- fruit offering can help keep contagious disease at bay. while make noodle, mee offering (made of rice) to buddha can help lengthen one lifespan. food offering should be plant-based as offering animal meat to buddha can cause illness karma  into future lifetimes.
- sugarcane offering to buddha are said to be good for the bone.

7. animal liberation activities.
- saving animal life by purchasing those that are about to be kill as food can  strengthen one own lifespan.  (by saving their life , enable them to life longer . this in return will let the one who save their life to have longer lifespan as well). animal liberation program usually are done by buddhist temple. as they usually save those that are about to be kill as food and release them back to nature afterward.

8. vairocana light mantra
- help to prevent one state from degenerate. recite 1000 times daily until sickness are cure.

9. fasting to heal stem cell
- stem cell are the origin or all type of cell such as cell that create bone, bone marrow and even blood. and thus the author believe doing a healing on stem cell will help at the most basic level. from what the author find out, fasting can actually help rejuvenete stem cell. therefore, for those who interested to fast, go for plant-based meal (for detoxifying bonus). the fasting can be follow according to one meal a day (which is before lunch) until the following morning (this is actually a precept meal eating coming from buddhist monk and nun - an eating precept followed since buddha time , that is about 2500 years until now ). the patient should consider attempting this on non heavy duty day such as weekend (as fasting can be very challenging at the beginning ). and also to set a standard routine to avoid gastric problem (unstable food eating habit). proper nutrition meal should be plan ahead to avoid any nutrient deficiency.

Author note:
- not much specific food info are are related to healing spleen although some website suggest eating soft food like congee (rice porridge), cooked food , avoid cold food and eat food like oats. also about eating more yellow color food. such as punpkins, yellow lentils.

8 billion trees
-  making a generosity effort to plant a tree may not able to do much for the thalasemmia patients other than accumulate merit and saving the planet earth . however, because thalassemia patient are the among the first to known what kind of life is without adequate oxygen in the body,so the author think this is something thalasemmia patients should participate whenever possible.


This is author own observation and note taking (which is meant for future reference). patient who are experience this sickness should always consult with doctor first.  this post are build according from the perspective of a minor thalassemia situation.

Reader are advise to do double checking on the information from trusted source as the author are getting all this information from website.


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