Free Avalokiteshvara image (FD28052020-2)

Avalokiteshvara , 11 Face Avalokiteshvara, Chenrezig, Guan Yin Pu Sa

Free buddhism image for anyone who want to use it for their website, wallpaper and so on.  When editing the picture, make sure do not cut or crop into the mantra words, buddha and bodhisattva body images (to avoid creating negative karma).

*this post is branch out from Free buddhism image post.

Guan Yin (Avalokitesvara) bodhisattva standing on a lotus with buddhism swastika symbol card

11 Face Avalokiteshvara bodhisattva card


Namo Amitabha Buddha (center) with Namo Mahastamapapta Bodhisattva (left) and Namo Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva (right)


Avalokiteshvara Card 



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