my experience about karma

Karma in a simple word, can be define as part of the consequences of one own action especially the bad and evil consequences. It was funny that while there are saying that one reap what one plow , many tend to disbelief and thinking that something worser will not befall on them as a result of hurting or harming others .

While i do did a lot of past mistakes as a result of my own ignorance, there are one particular karma experience which i think i could share out as i personally experience it and particularly convincing.

sometimes ago i was dealing with banning spam for my company as part of my work. it was a tedious and long long unnessary work as the spam will keep on happening and wasting our time. and i think i been banning the spam for months. after i read a special mantra, that particular month, the spamming issue begin to cease and never return anymore. it was after quite a while that i begin to think about it and wonder that could this be some sort of karma which during my college time, a classmate of mine develop a spam program. The classmate asked me if should add a sentence that end the spam. Out of ignorance , i reply "no need" as thinking it is just a hobby program , develop for fun (it is a programmer dream to create or develop program). Perhaps it was due to that ignorance in that moment (few seconds answer), i end up facing a karma of banning spam for months long.

While making such an ignorance karma is consider to be small but waste lots of time (perhaps due to the fact it affect many people in the world facing such spamming issue which i really have to apologise for all the trouble cause ) for not thinking things thoroughly and the fact it can be circulated develop by a programmer student in this world. I couldn't even say for sure that it was this karma that causing the worldwide spam problem. But the truth remain that after i read the mantra, the spam issue ceasing to arise anymore and not before that.


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