A state should be governed in a normal way, a war should be prosecuted in an unsual way.

A state should be governed in a normal way, a war should be prosecuted in unusual way and a kingdom should be controlled by doing nothing.

Wise Men Talking series Lao zi Says,
by zi publications sdn bhd.


A state should be governed in a normal way is perhaps it is for a normal livelihood of the people . A war should be prosecuted in unsual way so that the enemy do not comprehend it easily and may that the war will end swiftly and so that the war do not prolong (as we know the longer the war fight, the worser it become). A kingdom should be controlled by doing nothing are probably mean by inaction so that all will naturally fall into the right place.

While i have to said that what i explain here may not be sufficient as this statement are actually a guide for one who govern a kingdom. Where a war must be wage out of necessity not for mere fun of triggering it, a state have to be govern in the right way so that the people and kingdom flourish and live in peace. One may think that inaction means simply doing nothing when the actual meaning is probably mean "act when is necessary, don't take action when it is unnecesary" .


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