Peppermint - found in chewing gum, ice cream, candies and even in soap, cosmetics and shampoo product. - are usually use as medicine. - also use as flavouring agent. Health benefit: - help calm stomach muscles. - help move food quickly in stomach. - relieve painful gas that link with digestive issue. - if take peppermint capsule, help relieve IBS - kill bactateria and cold therefore it is use as cold and flu remedies. - is a treatment for rashes, poison oak and poison ivy. - may protect against cancer (currently under research) as the studies show that it help animal stop cancer tumor from growing. - peppermint oil help disperse gas. - if peppermint oil use as massage on scalp, said to help revmove dandruff and lice. - peppermint oil keep pimples at bay, keep healthy skin and blemish free. - relieve headaches and also stress buster (peppermint oil) - peppermint tea dissolve gall stones. - said to control mild asthma. - believe to kill fungus , virus and bacteria of ...